It’s Scholarship Season — Honoring Graduates and Keeping Memories Alive
“…And if you are able to take that positive energy….and move it toward something that they would be proud to be associated with, then do it. Take that positive energy and create….one scholarship….in your high school named for the person you loved so much….So do something to remember them positively in the world because you have to know, whatever your beliefs are, that they are resting much easier because you did that.” — Nick Clooney, The Living Memories Project: Legacies That Last
It’s scholarship season and once again, I had the privilege of presenting scholarships in memory of my father to two very special, deserving graduates at Brentwood High School.
My father worked in Brentwood for 25 years, first as a teacher and then as an elementary school principal. He was a caring principal, who took a personal interest in his students and staff. He exemplified the values of excellence, hard work, and kindness. My dad worked his way through college, served in the military during World War II, and tried a career in business before he came to Brentwood.
He knew that education was the key to success — his own, my brother’s and mine, and his children in Brentwood. That is why he would be so pleased to honor these two outstanding students with scholarships in his name.
I am in awe of the challenges these young people have overcome, what they have achieved, and what they hope to accomplish. I am so grateful for the opportunity to present these scholarships in living and loving memory of my father.
If you want to be inspired, healed and energized by creating a scholarship or another project to help keep the memory of a loved one alive, check out our book, The Living Memories Project: Legacies That Last.
Click here to read my original Huffington Post blog about the value of honoring the memory of a special person with a scholarship.