Keeping Alive Memories of Our Parents
Reprinted from, 03/19/2014, by Meryl Ain, Ed.D. I still remember the first time I heard The Beatles on the radio as a teenager. My mother had just told me... Read More
Readable, inspirational collection of short, personal memorials….The stories all have an informal tone (some record recent loss, others go back years), and each story is told by a survivor who now “shares” it with the reader, thus giving the tributes a sense of intimacy, of confidences exchanged…..What emerges from all the stories is that legacy is what we make of it, what we do, and that memorials are for us more than about the dead. Click here.
This is a wonderful book, and a powerful topic! A book you’ll actually want to savor, especially if you are thinking about how you’d like to best honor the memory of someone special whom you’ve lost. Or even if you’re looking ahead to how you personally would like to be remembered.
Loved ones leave us but the memories remain. In this spirit, the authors of The Living Memories Project render the reader a profound service by giving us the tools to confer immortality upon generations past.
For most of us, losing a loved one will be the worst tragedy of our lives. And we struggle with how to best honor their memory–indeed, how best to remember them. This moving book not only is a tribute to some extraordinary individuals who have gone before us, but also serves as a guide for all of us who wish to remember those who have touched our lives with their love.
The Living Memories Project shows us how to move forward after the loss of loved ones by keeping them alive in our hearts and the work that we do in their memory. It’s a sure read for everyone.